Thursday, May 2, 2024

Plankbarrow Harbor - Creators

Click here for a Shopping Guide to all stores on The Duskfall Court I will not be posting store SLURL's individually, as my goal is for you to go to the faire to buy the items there! If you want information on an item I have on that is NOT at Fantasy Fair, and that will mostly be hair and poses, Ask for it! I'll be happy to tell you, if I remember what I used, but I am trying to highlight the Fantasy Faire exclusive items, or items by FF vendors you can get at their faire shop only. And not everything I have on.
SLURL to The Duskfall Court

Pirates and mermaids and teasure! come to Planbarrow to get what you need for those!

You can also get parts of the sim build.

And lots of other fun things as well!

But if you want the cool EEP with that moon you gotta do the Faire Quest! It's the region gift for it!

For the first piratey outfit I have here from Antaya and it is their Pirate outfit "Bree" and their matching pirates hat. Its simple but fun and the hat has seashells on it!

Next up is a simple but lovely gown by The Annex called Tove Kirtle Dress. Lovely coloring!

This is a mix and match three piece outfit by Senzafine. Kezia top, Inez Bolero Shrug, and Esma skirt.! I love the colors on it.

This last outfit is one of the many fabulous Mer tail skins you can find! This glistening golden skin is by Krature and is a part of their Princess tail line. SO pretty!

I also have one some mer additions by Antaya , the scales and the shells. The pose is from a creator on Lolliocalypse called Dreamcatcher simply called Mer bento

Now for decor!

These are two window boxes of a number of cool window boxes by My View & Trive. You gotta check out the whole line!

These three aquariums come from ERG and are from their Pipe aquarium range.

This last item is a rather fairy tale looking bed by Jazabelle . If your want a good referance for Snow White I recommend this beauty!

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