Starting tomorrow at 9am SL time you can get to the sims starting at the Fairelands Junction
I will be bringing you previews of many Relay offerings from various designers this year. They changed how we got previews so we do not have assigned stores. Some stores set out vendor boxes, some dropped items right on us and some I am buying no matter what. It all goes to fight cancer after all! So I have a lot to choose from! It's exciting.
I will also, as usual, be doing a post for each of the breathtaking sims, this years hunts, and something new this year, Roelplay in the Faire lands. They have three to choose from and I have chosen to take part in the Rickety Weasels Rp. It's run by some people I know of from Steelhead and looks to be quite fun!
Every year for Fantasy Faire I choose a base outfit for exploring in, changing out of it just to show off Items for blog posts. I usually just aim for as Low Lag as I can get as a Fur, but this years has some meaning to it so I am making a mention of it in this post.
On this past Easter Sunday my Aunt Daisy passed on at the age of 94, of cancer. At her age they chose to not treat it or even delve too much into finding out what kind, as that would just as likely have taken her as the cancer would. They made sure her last weeks where as comfortable as possible. My Sister and my Niece and Nephew even managed to see her the day before she passed.
So in her honor I am wearing a daisyfied outfit and Daisies in my hair. It's Adagio in the Clouds Gown by Caverna Obscura and the CO Daisy Wreath.

Come to The Fantasy Faire Tomorrow! You will NOT regret it! Trust me!