Thursday, March 6, 2025

We're March Bounding!.....You'll be popular, just not quite as popular as me

It's March and that means time for the Annual month of Disney bounding! 

 And I am late to start as Ive had a horrific case of the flu and just now have the energy to do this. 

 Theres a change up for this year in that the official prompts only have half a month but the group I do it with have worked out other themes just for us! 

 And while I missed the first week I felt up to todays/yesterdays. Which for me was SUPER easy as March 5th was Wicked and if there is one color I do NOT lack in its ..Pink .. 


click for bigger
Outfit.ET. Darlene (Add me) Soft RoseSLURL
Necklace.random.Matter. - Caithe Collar [Golds]SLURL
HairWINGS-HAIR-TF0212 Blondes & Reds (Pack)SLURL
Pose[piXit] Fairylicious - P2SLURL
SimBackdrop CitySLURL