Monday, July 21, 2014

Relay is over for the year

The current USD total for this years Relay is $ 408,622, this breaks all records for RFL SL in past years! By a landslide! The original goal was to get to 401K which got broken before midnight on relay weekend. They expect this to go even higher by the time Relay Wrap up happens in August.

I did not meet my personal Relay fund goal, I had expected more people on facebook to donate then did. I know for next year to try for 250 or 300 instead of 400. Ah well. Still raised 276 via the webpage! Not sure how much i donated in world but then I never am.

I DID meet my laps goal of going over 10. Last year I managed 10 and that was the highest I made to date. This year I made it to 12! Despite the HORRIBLE HORRIBLE lag when it started. I crashed 12 times before I made a full lap! So glad things got better.

Now to explore the builds a bit more detailed then I did before hand, before they vanish into the mist of time and internet.

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