So, since January when Adar switched from his old Luskwood dragon avatar to a mix of two Kinzart Kreetures dragons I've been DYING to make a switch to Kinzart as well. I rather like us having avatars that match in the same artistic style, Anthro X, my current Avatar didn't have a dragon he liked. Problem. Kinzart didn't have a housecat!
But it was in the works. And was released over the weekend! So once I returned home from a trip to my parents for my mom's birthday I went and picked up my usual white housecat and prepared to get to tinting!
Slurl to the Kinzart main store.Problem! The area around the eye, which is the "blinking" part, won’t keep the tint, when the eye blinks it goes back to white! I had the same issue with the recent Luskwood cat update. When I informed Luskwood folk of this it got fixed right away, as it was a script error. Kinzart, are working on it and it may take a while according to them. Which is understandable as they really pushed themselves HARD to get this update out. 52 coat patterns/colors!
So, I decided to try a different coat pattern. Those 52 coats are all real life colors, no wild pink or purple kitties yet. I am hoping that either some moders will put out some pastel colors, or that a second coat release of the "wild" colors will come once the creators have had a bit of a break. As I said they really pushed themselves to get those 52 coats out! They rather deserve a break!
Among the shades that was put out was a creamy tan shade in the various coat patterns. The patterns are Standard Tabby, Mackerel Tabby, Bengal, Marbled, Siamese, Calico, and some others that I can't remember. I showed Turlock and Adar the various patterns, neither liked either of the tabbies, I was not going calico or Siamese, and we all liked the Bengal and Marbled coats.
I took screen shots of the vendor display so I could hem and haw over the two coats without tying up a vendor. This also allowed me to send them to Ambrose for his thoughts.
Marbled Bengal.
In the end, I decided to go with the Marbled! So here is the new me!

Click to see bigger
Whenever the tinting bug gets fixed I may switch back to being a single cream color though. But no idea when that will be. And I am VEERRYY tempted to see just how much it would cost me to have a custom skin/prim texture work done to match what my Ren faire characters coloring is, which is pink/purple with vines and columbine flowers on it. Likely an arm and a leg though. Not at all sure how this coat is going to work with my traditional going purple for relay either. Here's hoping for more wild colors in that case!
I got used to the spots and strips very quickly, it’s the face shape that I am still getting used to. It's a lot more narrow then either of the past avatars I have worn. I won’t however, be going back to the Anthro x kitty you all have been seeing me in.
I can wear some brands of RIGGED MESH HAIR with the Kinzart kitty!
Look! Wearing Truth's Brandy Rigged mesh hair!

Click to see bigger
Now the hair could set a bit wider on the face for my taste, but that is something that should get fixed if/when they ever get the rigged mesh deformer working. But HEY this is a HUGE thing for me as it is. It's not enough of a problem to make the hair unwearable, I do know I'll have to grab the demo of hairs to check the fit first now.
And now behind the cut, some shots of me in my undies showing off various features and more babbling about the things this new avatar has.