Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Golly what a Day

It's March and that means time for the annual month of Disney bounding! I'm recovering from the flu so I'm kinda, doing the ones I feel like instead of them ALL. 

There's a change up for this year in that the official prompts only have half a month but the group I do it with have worked out other themes just for us! Saff posted them here 

Today we are visiting The bronze era For the bound and seeing as my husbands favorite Disney movie was among them of COURSE I had to do that one. So I picked Robin Hood and Little John to bound. 

Why not Robin and Marion? Cause me as John is FUNNY. 


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OutfitCitrus Wrap Top Lt GreenSLURL
OutfitTres Blah - Rilo Jeans SLURL
Outfit*SRL MESH - Robin Hood Cap (also on him)SLURL
HairTRUTH Whisper - RedheadSLURL

On Adar
Outfit Ahlure - Robin T-Shirts HoodSLURL
Outfit [ hoorenbeek ] Cargo PantsSLURL

PoseACT5-444-Couple Walking Pose BOXED (ADD)SLURL
SimLuanes World - Le Monde Perdu - Spring 2025SLURL

Monday, March 24, 2025

Whoso pulleth out this sword of this stone and anvil is rightwise king, born of England

It's March and that means time for the annual month of Disney bounding! I'm recovering from the flu so I'm kinda, doing the ones I feel like instead of them ALL. 

There's a change up for this year in that the official prompts only have half a month but the group I do it with have worked out other themes just for us! Saff posted them here 

Today's bound theme is The Silver Era/age I looked over the list and chose Sword in the Stone and then Arthur. 

Why? Ive never seen anyone bound him. Merlin and Madame Mim yes. The boy who would be king? NOPE 

So here we are 


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OutfitTres Blah - Open Back Sweater & Rilo Jeans SLURL
Outfit{AS} Kammie Cable Knit Sweater: 29 Color Omega HUD & Mesh NecksSLURL
HairTRUTH Collective / Jaya - RedheadSLURL
Pose::focus Poses:: :: Fantasy Pack 1::SLURL
SimLawst ParadiseSLURL

Saturday, March 22, 2025

The young Prince(ss) of the forest

It's March and that means time for the annual month of Disney bounding! I'm recovering from the flu so I'm kinda, doing the ones I feel like instead of them ALL.

 There's a change up for this year in that the official prompts only have half a month but the group I do it with have worked out other themes just for us! Saff posted them here 

Missed yesterdays them of Forests & Poetry. So moving onto today's theme of Disney's Golden Age 

 I asked Emry's to pick from the list and he said Bambi So I picked the title character! Just Adult Bambi not young. See antlers! 


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Outfit*Just BECAUSE* Ophelia outfitSLURL
HairD!va "Ride With The Sun"Store no longer around
PoseHappiness is being FaeStore no longer around
SimThe Forest of HoursSLURL

Thursday, March 20, 2025

You can learn a lot of things from the Flowers

It's March and that means time for the annual month of Disney bounding! I'm recovering from the flu so I'm kinda, doing the ones I feel like instead of them ALL. 

There's a change up for this year in that the official prompts only have half a month but the group I do it with have worked out other themes just for us! Saff posted them here 

 It's SPRING...supposedly. We had sleety snow last night, didn't stick but still.. . Ugh 

 Todays theme in honor of the first day of Spring is Spring and flowers. And well, It's a golden afternoon, even if its cold



I'm the wonderland flowers...all of them, at once.

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OutfitBoudoir - Spring AwakeningSLURL
PoseFashiowl - FlowersSLURL

It's Springtime!

Click for Bigger

Wednesday, March 19, 2025

I loved being a witch

It's March and that means time for the annual month of Disney bounding! I'm recovering from the flu so I'm kinda, doing the ones I feel like instead of them ALL. 

Theres a change up for this year in that the official prompts only have half a month but the group I do it with have worked out other themes just for us! Saff posted them here 

Today's bound theme is Disney+ shows. 

 And I loved Agatha all along when it aired last year. The amount of talent in that Ensemble. Which included the QUEEN Patti LuPone. And holy crap if she does not get an Emmy nomination for her last ep.....it was amazing. 

 SO I knew I had to bound her character Lilia Calderu. Used a bit of a modern take on her outfit which I just loved in its original form. I am a little disappointed they didn't have her record Down the Witches road as a solo. I mean come ON, its PATTI. It would have been BRILLIANT 


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OutfitRIOT / Maple outfit SLURL
HairWINGSDG-Group-Gift-001 (Pack)SLURL
Pose[piXit] Cartomancer - P1 Pose PackSLURL
Sim[piXit] Cartomancer Photobooth - Royal on my landSLURL

Tuesday, March 18, 2025


It's March and that means time for the annual month of Disney bounding! I'm recovering from the flu so I'm kinda, doing the ones I feel like instead of them ALL. 

Theres a change up for this year in that the official prompts only have half a month but the group I do it with have worked out other themes just for us! Saff posted them here 

 Today's bound theme is Pets. I looked over a list of Disney Pets and decided to go with an unusual one. 

The footstool dog from Beauty and the Beast. 

Whose name is either Sultan...or Froufrou depending on what version you watch. 


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HairWINGS-HAIR-EF1203 Blondes & Reds (Pack)SLURL
PoseSecret Body - Memories for ourselves poseSLURL
SimBackdrop CitySLURL

Monday, March 17, 2025

And a little bit of Pixie Dust..

It's March and that means time for the annual month of Disney bounding! I'm recovering from the flu so I'm kinda, doing the ones I feel like instead of them ALL. 

Theres a change up for this year in that the official prompts only have half a month but the group I do it with have worked out other themes just for us! Saff posted them here 

St Patricks day the theme is tradionaly Green or Lucky! And its no change this year! I asked Adar who I should do and he said Tinkerbell So...Here's Tink! 



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Outfit*Just BECAUSE* Raine Sweater Dress SLURL
Hairno.match_ ~ NO_STORY ~SLURL
Pose[Black Tulip] Poses - When the Fairy grew up #2Marketplace
SimBackdrop CitySLURL

Grand day for wearing the Green!

Click for Bigger

Sunday, March 16, 2025

Go the Distance

It's March and that means time for the annual month of Disney bounding! I'm recovering from the flu so I'm kinda, doing the ones I feel like instead of them ALL. 

Theres a change up for this year in that the official prompts only have half a month but the group I do it with have worked out other themes just for us! Saff posted them here 

For Today's theme of Gods & Goddesses I turned to Hercules. WHICH is coming to the West End in London as a stage musical later this year. I'm excited for that! 

I chose Hera for my Goddess. Disney versions of the Greek gods are a little uuhhh different then the actual myths so, Disney's Hera is rather nice and a loving mother and wife. SO I chose to show that with the birds. 


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Outfit*Just BECAUSE* Bethany Gown - Legacy (legacy)SLURL
Hair{Limerence} Vivid hair-FatpackSLURL
PoseFOXCITY. Fairytale Bento Pose Set (With Props)SLURL
SimBackdrop CitySLURL