Thursday, November 28, 2013
Wednesday, November 27, 2013
52 Crayola Crayons Week Forty Eight - Quick Silver

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Outfit | *Soulglitter* Tunic Dress Silver & Black | SLURL |
Hair | lollipopz hair Winter Rose | Marketplace |
Pose | {Imeka~}My Apple's Pose Pack | SLURL |
Sim | Lost Town - the Invisible People | SLURL |
Next Week's Crayon!!
![]() | Winter Wizard | ![]() |
This weeks crayon is from the 1990 Silver swirls pack. One of my old favorites!
The sim I picked I found via Honour McMillian and have been itching to go to it since the post was made. Its such a fascinating build with an art installation by Rebeca Bashly called the Invisible people. The texture work is just mind blowing on what she did to line everything up. I tried my best to find them all and line the camera up at the right angle and I am sure I failed at both.
You really want to go to my photos from this sim, or even better to the sim itself to find all the people!
This weekend starts my Annual Christmas Advent. One Holiday photo a day! Looking forwards to it!
Saturday, November 23, 2013
Doctor Who 50th Anniversary
In case you couldn't tell from my last Crayon Post I am a Fan of Doctor Who, a tv show celebrating 50 years of being around.
I'm not the only Whovian in Secondlife, among the many is Chandni Khondji, the creator behind the Hopscotch Poses. Which I love. SLURL to her shop
She's created a number of Doctor Who Themed poses, including some BRAND new ones, and I wanted to show them all off in honor of todays Anniversary! I dug out several different Doctor who Themed outfits to wear for them. And even dressed as my Favorite Companion, Donna, for one of them! I switched outfits and hair to many times for me to feel like listing them all in this post, but if you message me I will track down the items creator for you.
I went back to Paradox Island from my last post to take the photos.
First up the new ones! These are for the Geek'n'Nerd Fair *I'll update with an SLURL when I have one*
The pose set is called "It Doesn't do wood" and is a Sonic Screw Driver themed set.
I am wearing my Donna outfit for these photos.
Next is a Gatcha prize called Props are Cool
This one is your very own Tardis! The Mad Man's Blue Box!
And lastly more from the one I used for the last post
She's got several other none Post Doctor Who themed items as well, shoes, dolls, and other items. Do check them out, AFTER you watch The Day of the Doctor!!!
I'm not the only Whovian in Secondlife, among the many is Chandni Khondji, the creator behind the Hopscotch Poses. Which I love. SLURL to her shop
She's created a number of Doctor Who Themed poses, including some BRAND new ones, and I wanted to show them all off in honor of todays Anniversary! I dug out several different Doctor who Themed outfits to wear for them. And even dressed as my Favorite Companion, Donna, for one of them! I switched outfits and hair to many times for me to feel like listing them all in this post, but if you message me I will track down the items creator for you.
I went back to Paradox Island from my last post to take the photos.
First up the new ones! These are for the Geek'n'Nerd Fair *I'll update with an SLURL when I have one*
The pose set is called "It Doesn't do wood" and is a Sonic Screw Driver themed set.
I am wearing my Donna outfit for these photos.
Next is a Gatcha prize called Props are Cool
This one is your very own Tardis! The Mad Man's Blue Box!
And lastly more from the one I used for the last post
She's got several other none Post Doctor Who themed items as well, shoes, dolls, and other items. Do check them out, AFTER you watch The Day of the Doctor!!!
Wednesday, November 20, 2013
52 Crayola Crayons Week Forty Seven - TARDIS Blue

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Outfit | SN - Tardis Corset Dress [wear me] (unpacked) | SLURL |
Outfit | /artilleri/ 1st mate capris *black* | SLURL |
Fez *which are cool btw* | Abracadabra - The Doctor's Fez | SLURL |
Prop | Vortex Systems Sonic Screwdrivers Pack - Smith's Screwdriver | SLURL |
Hair | [LeLutka]-EFFECT | SLURL |
Pose | *~*HopScotch*~* Affirmative | SLURL |
Sim | Paradox Island - Doctor Who | SLURL |
Next Week's Crayon!!
![]() | Quick Silver | ![]() |
As I said last week, this week's color is NOT a crayon but SHOULD be. As I hope most of you know, this Saturday is the 50th Anniversary of the TV show Doctor Who. I love this show. I have seen all of the new series and some of the older ones. I wish Netflix would put ALL of the older ones on streaming. I've also seen the Sarah Jane Adventures and just LOVE her and K-9 . Though my favorite companion is Donna.
I searched the net for around two days to make sure I got the official color of the Tardis. Which I found is not easy. Each Doctor's Tardis is slightly different and I found three different "officially BBC Sanctioned" colors for the Tardis. So I picked one of them and went with it.
My favorite Doctor is Eleven, so I picked his Sonic Screw Driver to carry around. And the Fez. The outfit is a fun corset and shrug. And as I love K-9 the pose prop from HopScotch was perfect!
The sim I found is a fabulous Rp/tribute sim for Doctor Who. So many references about it! And I didn't even go into the underwater tunnels! And there is a fun Tardis Ride you can go on that takes you on an adventure up into space.
You run into Daleks on the Tardis Ride
Bessie The Third Doctors Car.
Face of Bo and the Devise that Rose uses to get back to the Doctors world and help Donna fix the time line in "Turn Left".
His name is Susan and he wants you to respect his life choices.
The crack in space and Time
You can see all the photos I took at this link here
Can't wait for this Saturday and the Anniversary Episode!!
Saturday, November 16, 2013
52 Crayola Crayons Week Forty Six - Metallic Sunburst

click for bigger
Outfit | !dM "Duchess C. Influx" | SLURL |
Outfit | Available at We ❤ Roleplay | SLURL |
Hair | POLLEN - Riva | Marketplace only |
Sim | "Moving Islands" [Rafts] collective project | SLURL |
Next Week's Crayon!!
![]() | TARDIS Blue | ![]() |
I know I am so VERY VERY late with this! I apologize about that! In the midst of a huge sewing project, among other things. Time got away!
This weeks crayon comes from the 2001 Metallic FX set.
Next weeks color is the other none crayon that SHOULD be a crayon color. I will explain more but many of you should be able to guess why I picked it already.
The outfit is a fantastic steampunk Mesh item from Devious minds you can pick up at the We ❤ Roleplay monthly event this month. The post was from a recently closed event but the store may have it out, not sure. you can always check!
The Sim I picked is, kinda a crazy thing, One of those ONLY in Secondlife sims. It's a Linden Endowment for the Arts sim. And I belive it is done by several different LEA artists. And, EVERYTHING moves! Which made it very hard to photograph!
It's very surreal and at times confusing. I think the photos will be what talks about it can see all of them here at this link
Wednesday, November 6, 2013
52 Crayola Crayons Week Forty Five - Rose Quartz

click for bigger
Outfit | ::: B@R ::: Arcane Student | SLURL |
Hair | POLLEN - Faith | Marketplace only |
Pose | *CC* Masquerade poses | SLURL |
Sim | A landscape of blue & white porcelain | SLURL |
Next Week's Crayon!!
![]() | Metallic Sunburst | ![]() |
This weeks crayon came from the 1994 Gem tones specialty set. One of my personal favorite sets.
The sim, I wanted something simple but lovely and saw this sim a few weeks back in Honour's Post Menopausal View (of Second Life) and was just WAITING for October to be over to share it. I'm not sure what the builds name is so I used a line From Honour's post.
The build is lovely, simple and peaceful. I quite enjoyed it.
It was simple enough to not need many photos to truly show it off, but what I am not showing here you can see here at this link
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