Sunday, April 8, 2012

Another 52 weeks of color - Week 15

Week Fifteen:

Seashell Peach

Click for bigger

Outfit salt. say grace sand sunday dress SLURL
Hair .ploom. Lilyan SLURL
Pose *Frooti - 52 WoC - Seashell Peach SLURL
Sim - Hazardous SLURL

This week’s color was so very NOT easy. Nothing I had seemed right. So I had to go shopping. STILL found nothing that matched as close as I'd prefer. But I had been planning on getting this lovely outfit by salt before the color was announced. So, I used it. Close enough I say. The embroidery on the bodice is the part that is the best match. Though if you made the roses paler they'd be perfect.

My sim of choice for this color is Hazardous. Which I ended up on purely by accident as I wasn't looking for a sim for the shoot yet when I found it. I was just doing a landmark folder cleaning. But I landed on the sim and just had to STOP because it took my breath away. While I was there Ambrose "stalked" me to the sim and had pretty much the same reaction.

And I am very pleased that Frooti released her poses for this weeks color before hand so I could use it in this post!

Click to see bigger

Landing point is in a gazebo with a piano that plays gentle music. near it is some balloons you can float about the sim with. And some portals to skyboxes. That I totally did not notice till I thought I was done with the sim.

The main feature of the sim are some rock piles covered in vines. Various ways to get atop them abound. Also a field of water lilies that softly glow in the night. It makes for a lovely effect.

Click to see bigger

There are three sky area's to visit. The portals are half sunken in the water near the gazebo. I noticed them when I was up on one of the rock piles taking a shot of the gazebo. I clicked and was whisked away to a lovely tree scene. Which I WANT so badly. I did track down who made it and put it on my marketplace list. For the curious it’s called The raven tree by Studio skye. They also have a lovely Fairy mushroom scene I want as well. The tree is mesh so if you visit hazard make sure you have a mesh viewer. I don't know if anything ELSE in the sim is mesh but that skybox scene is.

It's got poses in it and I had fun playing with those

Click to see bigger

The other two boxes are a ghostly ship in a storm and a rainy street scene. Both fantastic builds but I like the tree better.

Now I need to finish cleaning out my landmarks :P

You can see all my photos of this fantastic sim at this link

Also for those that didn't see the post. I got selected to be an official Fantasy Faire Blogger!


  1. so pretty, that outfit looks so soft and feminine and that sim WOW I will have to go check that out!!

  2. For someone who had a hard time with the colour, you did a fantastic job! I think you should change it to say "this week was easy"!

  3. Aw really! Cute and feminine and that place is really cool!
    Happy Easter!


  4. This is super cute,and very pretty. The location is gorgeous, too!

  5. oh my goodness that sim is sooo beautiful and you as well.. i sure will go there. thanks for showing

  6. i saw all your sim pictures now.. fabulous!!!!!!!!!!

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. I have mesh now so I can visit without just seeing weird shapes -- yay! Great look this week :-).

  9. you look utterly gorgeous, love that dress on you!
