So in an attempt to get back into things. I'm doing a "whoops I forgot to blog these places" post and post links and photos to a few sims I never got around to blogging. This goes back to last year! Oldest item first
First up! Kagami 2014 - A Japanese horror event
This was a fun adventure game, not so big on the horror IMO that was on a really beautifully done sim. It was a little tricky and you had to be careful what you wore as it had a script limit. But it was worth it in the end. I had fully planned to do a big post about it, but as it was almost a year ago I can't remember why i never got around to it. But here's what I wore! At least the photo, I lost the info on who I'm wearing, though if you want I am sure I could track it down in my inventory again.

Click for bigger
I really hope the people that put together this event do so again.
Next up, Steelheads halloween tour
We had some really good haunts in Steelhead last year. I loved it, so many of them where highly interactive, and didn't fall into relying on gore for the spooking. Of course I spooked up my home and the teahouse as well. there was the usually contest but I didn't win. Maybe this year! I should get to planning.
And now we move into 2015
Pandora's Box of Dreams - Dream 003: The River Dream.
I love the first two dreams Pandora's presented, but I just couldn't get into this one and never finished exploring it.. It was a lovely build, with lots of the cute quirky stuff I love, and maybe it was just due to trying to explore while so worn out from faire. There is a new one I need to get my tail over to exploring soon.
The Bushido Challenge
This was a fun but frustrating quest game I learned about via Honour McMillan You set to going on a series of challenges to become a samurai. what it doesn't tell you when you start is A you have to finish it all in one log in or your progress is lost on some of the challenges, and B for a few things you will need a friend.
The prize is a very nice set of armor and AO so if you want to have a go at it the SLURL is and if you need help just IM me! If I'm on I'll pop over and give you and hand.
Steelhead art Walk
Steelhead is having an artwalk in the sims, for RFL and for fun. I was asked to join with some of my photos I take. I couldn't decided which older ones to use so I just went from sim to sim in Steelhead and took new ones! I have them hanging up in the teahouse, but the resolution isn't that great, so I loaded them here so you can see them in all their glory.
And that's the catch up post. I'm not going to go back and try to make up with the weekly themes I've missed, though I will for the pin ups. I'm not fully sure yet if I'll be starting back with the weekly theme either. I wasn't enjoying it that much myself and no one else was doing
But I am going to work on posting more! Though this weekend, first and foremost is Relay for Life! So posts will happen about that at least!
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