Fantasy Faire is loads of fun as always, and raises loads more money for Relay For Life. Current total is L$ 8,543,308 or $ 32,859 btw with the Faire still open till the 4th. So it's easy to forget at times just why we are doing this.
Then Life smacks you up side the head and reminds you why.
Last year at this time, someone that is a dear friend now was informed that his dad had liver cancer, he lost him with in a week of the diagnose.
This year, over the weekend, the heavens gained a purple winged angel. A friend whose two year fight with pancreatic cancer was lost. Kali was an inspiration, a warrior and a good friend. I've known her for longer then I've been in Secondlife, we met years ago on Livejournal. She made her fight public and did not sugar coat any of it. She wanted people to see how cancer really affects you. Not the sugar coated prettied up versions you see on TV. Her fight was raw, visceral and moving, A true warrior goddess battling for her life.
I've been relaying in support of her fight since it started. Now, tragically, I now will be relaying in her honor and memory.
But its for her that we relay, its for my friend who lost his dad that we relay. Its for my father in law who had prostate cancer, my cousin who has breast cancer. My aunt that I lost also to pancreatic cancer years ago.
Its for everyone touched by Cancer.
Its so one day no one will ever be touched by it other then in their past family history.
Its a battle we must keep fighting.