Sunday, March 9, 2025

Having so much fun together!

It's march and that means time for the Annual month of Disney bounding! I'm still recovering from the flu so I'm kinda, doing the ones I feel like instead of them ALL. 

Theres a change up for this year in that the official prompts only have half a month but the group I do it with have worked out other themes just for us! 

For this one I knew I wanted to do the Buddy Bound as I love grabbing friends to pose with. For the first time I got Lex to pose with me for an OOC photo, we've done IC in the past at Mischief managed but this is our first OOC one.

 I asked him who his favorite Disney buddies was and he said Fox and the Hound and I loved it. Its such a cute but sad movie. He's Copper I'm Todd. 


click for bigger
Outfit-Sorumin- Cordelia SET -Pants Corduroy Pack 1 & -Sorumin- Mushroom Cardigan -SLURL
NecklaceIntrigue Co. -Foxy Jewelry SetSLURL
HairMagika - Heathen HairSLURL

On Lex
Outfit - coat//Ascend// Otis Fur HoodieSLURL
Outfit - shirtMossu - Greg.Tank Top - Brown SLURL
Outfit - pantsNoche. Scrubs pants [C1]SLURL
Outfit - shoes: CULT : Brias SLURL
HairVango. OzzySLURL

Pose.::Hazeel::. Crazy Pumpkins ~ Couple Bento Pose - REZZSLURL
SimLuanes World - Le Monde Perdu - Spring 2025SLURL

Thursday, March 6, 2025

We're March Bounding!.....You'll be popular, just not quite as popular as me

It's March and that means time for the Annual month of Disney bounding! 

 And I am late to start as Ive had a horrific case of the flu and just now have the energy to do this. 

 Theres a change up for this year in that the official prompts only have half a month but the group I do it with have worked out other themes just for us! 

 And while I missed the first week I felt up to todays/yesterdays. Which for me was SUPER easy as March 5th was Wicked and if there is one color I do NOT lack in its ..Pink .. 


click for bigger
Outfit.ET. Darlene (Add me) Soft RoseSLURL
Necklace.random.Matter. - Caithe Collar [Golds]SLURL
HairWINGS-HAIR-TF0212 Blondes & Reds (Pack)SLURL
Pose[piXit] Fairylicious - P2SLURL
SimBackdrop CitySLURL