[K~*~S] Anarella - Gown - Cherry Blossom comes with hair, tinted snow shade red
Forgot to write down which necklace but it's also from Kouse
Olive Juice- Olive Juice- Blooms FatPack of Flowers with Poses
I splurged recently and picked up some gowns from Kouse's Sanctum . LOVED this one so much I wanted to find a place to prance around in it that was appropriate for it's style.
I had heard there was a recreation of Versailles, so I searched, found it and went to have a looksee.
The Versailles sims turned out to be one of those that I would dearly love to see what they could do with unlimited prims.
They are not only a RL in SL sims but heavy RP sims of the time around Marie Antoinette, maybe a little before. You land at a hub where you can get clothing, for free, information and a visitors tag.
It was at the time set to a rather hazy windlight setting so after a bit of that I switched to midday.
The fist sim is mostly the vast garden lawn leading up to the Palace, There is a small store area just before you get to it with a lot of lovely selections to chose from.
You enter into the large courtyard and head to the building. Which I believe is still being worked on in places.
And here's where I wish this sim had unlimited prims. As most of their prims are going to the building itself and not furniture and other things that would really bring it to life. It's such a shame, as amazing a recreation of the building is, it needs the opulent furniture of the era to be complete.
I ran into a few people, all of whom where very nice. But not a whole lot. I guess I just wasn't there at busy times.
All in all I rather enjoyed my visit. It's an amazing build and well worth a look.
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