Week Thirty Five
 | Salmon |  | #FF9BAA 255, 155, 170
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Next Week's Crayon!!
 | Cultured Pearl |  |
245, 245, 245
The salmon crayon comes in the Standard 48 and up packs and is one of the older crayons having been added in 1949 !
When this color came up, I HAD to use it to show off my beloved Steelhead, as our mascot is the Steelhead Salmon! I asked Lunar for a short list of places on each sim that he feels shows off Steelhead to its best. He provided me with a list of builds that are based on Real world Buildings or places. I will happily pass out that note card to anyone that wants it! I am going to show off one photo from each location and if you want to see all the photos I took of the builds go to
this handy link here Steelhead is wanting new blood! So if you want to come live in a fantastic set of sims with one of the most amazing groups of people you will ever met, Come give us a visit! You will be welcomed with Open arms! we take all types no matter your fancy. We are an active group and work both to have fun in world but also have a presence at Relay for Life of Secondlife. Steelhead holds a weekly town meeting on Tuesdays and a weekly themed dance on Fridays. As well as many other events throughout the week.
Now onto the builds!

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Steelhead Station & Steelhead Welcome Center
Builder: TotalLunar Eclipse & Tensai Hilra
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About the RL Build
RL: Central Railroad of New Jersey Terminal at Liberty State Park, NJ
Built: 1889
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Central_Railroad_of_New_Jersey_Terminal This is one of the newer builds in town. Lunar is rebuilding many older builds to take advantage of newer build tools that have been developed over the years.
Steelhead City hall
Builder: TotalLunar Eclipse & Tensai Hilra
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About the RL Build
RL: Maximilaneum of Munich Germany
Built 1857
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MaximilianeumLunar built this for this years Relay for Life Steelhead Camp . He's currently redoing it to take down the prims some and fit it to the sim.
Steelhead Public Library
Builder: TotalLunar Eclipse & Tensai Hilra
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About the RL Build
RL: Library of Congress
Built: 1800
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Library_of_CongressThe Library in Steelhead holds events readings and yes even has books you can read!
Tacoma Narrows Bridge (under reconstruction)
Builder: TotalLunar Eclipse
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About the RL Build
RL: Tacoma Narrows Bridge (not the one that fell into the narrows)
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tacoma_Narrows_BridgeIt's on Lunar's list of to be rebuilt, so when he gets it done it will be even better looking then it is now!
Doc's Men's Wear
Builder: Doc Wrangler
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About the RL Build
RL: Union League
http://www.unionleague.org/history-foundations.phpYes the sign lights up! I think this may have been one of the first places I went in Steelhead years ago.
Vista House in Steelhead Boomtown
Builder: TotalLunar Eclipse
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About the RL Build
RL: Vista House on Crown Point
http://vistahouse.com/Inside is a huge clock that yes, really works!
Benson Bridge & Multnomah Falls
Builder: TotalLunar Eclipse & Tensai Hilra
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About the RL Build
RL: Benson Bridge & Multnomah Falls
Built: 1914
http://www.columbiariverhighway.com/history/HABS_HAER/benson_footbridge.htmI rather love the sim building trick they used to get the falls and water to work with only using prim water for the water that actually falls down!
Montlake Bridge (Under construction)
Builder: TotalLunar Eclipse
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About the RL Build
RL: Montlake Bridge
Built: 1914
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Montlake_Bridge It will look better when its done, not that it doesn't look amazing right now.
Hydro Teslatron
Builder: Tensai Hilra
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About the RL Build
RL: Hydro Teslatron in Niagra Fallsview Casino
Built: 2010
http://www.lestercreative.com/falls_view.htmNeat lil gizmo in the harbor!
The Casbah Oriental Dance Hall & Boarding House
Builder: TotalLunar Eclipse
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About the RL Build
RL: Casbah
Built 1895
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CasbahInside is a stage and outside is a small market. I love the ceiling inside.
Justice League Unlimited in Steelhead Port Harbor
Builder: TotalLunar Eclipse & Tensai Hilra
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About the RL Build
RL: Cincinnati Union Terminal
Built: 1928
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cincinnati_Museum_Center_at_Union_TerminalYes, Comic geeks, you are looking at exactly what you think you are. The Hall of Justice in DC comics was inspired by the building at the link above. In Steelhead it serves as an adventure club for the Justice League Untied group.
Sun Pagoda in Steelhead Shanghai (Undergoing reconstruction)
Builder: TotalLunar Eclipse
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About the RL Build
RL Sun Pagoda in Banyan Lake
http://www.flickr.com/photos/kk_wpg/2985002051/Under rebuild, and possibly not able to be finished due to the sad fact that we are loosing the Shanghai sim as Steelhead doesn't have enough renters. But a stunning build, it used to be in the middle of the water and was moved to the side.
Yuyan Gardens
Builder: TotalLunar Eclipse, Tensai Hilra
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About the RL Build
RL: Yu Garden in Shanghai
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yu_GardenA lovely peaceful place to just sit and enjoy the beauty of Secondlife in.
Mount St Helens in Steelhead St Helens
Builder: Tensai Hilra
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About the RL location:
RL: Mount St Helens (pre eruption)
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mount_St._HelensTensai used topographical maps of Mount St Helens before it blew its top to create this.
Hedge Maze of Nevermoor
Builder: TotalLunar Eclipse & Tensai Hilra
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About the RL build:
RL: Based on RL hedge maze plans with the fantasy world of Alice in Wonderland
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hedge_mazeIt's being reworked, but I have been to it before hand and you can see those photos
at this link. It's lots of fun with some tricks tossed in, Looking forwards to the new one!
And that is the builds, there are other fantastic places to visit in Steelhead, other Real life inspired builds and just fun spots, so please come visit!
And our official unofficial theme song