Flickr Group for the Challenge
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So this was obviously meant for last Thursday, the one before my Rez day on Saturday.
Every year I update my Profile photo. I also do it at major avatar changes. And for this weeks theme I decided to Show off all my past Profile photos. The photo I used for this week is my new profile photo.
As for the rest we will start with the very first one in 2008!

I can tell this was taken in the Cathedral at Isle of Wyrms. I am in my very first Avatar by Luskwood. And I THINK the outfit is by either fancy fairy or Caverna Obsurca...but not sure which one.

Still in the luskwood, and I KNOW I am wearing Caverna Obscura as it is one of my favorite early outfits based on a Nene Thomas painting that I LOVE. This sim is my old plot I had to give up years back.

Not a clue here about anything other then still in the Luskwood..

And here we have the first base avatar change into an Anthroxtacy Cat. The dress I know is by Evie's Closet. Rest not a clue, though I THINK the sim is the same as the 2010 one.

The year I started wearing glasses in SL. Still in the Anthroxtacy cat. Can't remember anything else.
2012 also was the year of a base Avatar change..twice.

First I switched to the Kinzart Kreetures House Cat with a tabby coat as tinting the white cat didn't work the eyelids stayed white.
But between September and October of 2012 I managed to find someone to make me a custom skin so I was happily back to cream.
And I can't find that Profile photo...I might have held onto the tabby one for a bit. Because the profile pic change in 2103 took place in January not March. According to the dates on the photos at least..

Kinzart with a custom skin. No clue on anything else.

And here is last years! I haven't changed base Avatars in a while as very few new house cats have emerged, most involve a TON of modding other base avatars with very little in the way of expressions.
I kinda wish Anthroxtacy would update their house cat to mesh. They had the best expressions of all three avatars I have used.
And NOW I am all caught up with the Themes. Time to go catch up on the Pin up poses!