Click here for a list of all the stores on Dangarnon with SLURL's to their main stores I will not be posting SLURL's individually, as you can get them all at this handy link. If you need one for an item I have on that is NOT at Fantasy fair, and that will mostly be hair and poses, Ask for it! I'll be happy to tell you, but I am trying to highlight the Fantasy Faire items, or items by FF vendors only.
SLURL to the sim
Got a lot for you on this sim so strap in! Also, I didn't pick any up, but you can own parts of the sim build by buying them at the creators store on the sim.
SLURL here And some of the more unique parts will be auctioned off at the
live auction on Sunday May 1st
First up is a cute lil number The Dark Fae's RenRen Dress. It comes with a hud with a number of colors in it. The dress and the corset can be changed separately.
Next up is an elegant gown by Anachron called Gloriana. It would be very suitable for a renaissances Roleplay.
The pose I am using is the box for the
Fairelands Quest hud and other information, available at any sim. I'll cover the hunt later.
And here we have a cute full outfit by The Little Bat called the Willow outfit. Comes with the boots pants and top. And has a hud to change colors on all parts but hte pants. The necklace, sold separately, is called the Dragon Lariat, also comes with a hud to change colors and you can see a close up of it
And now we have The White Armory's offering this year. Their work is always superber and their Zihanna of Sheera Gown is an excellent example of it.
I also believe you can buy the chair I am in on the sim but I am unsure by who. It's part of the sim decor.
And the last gown I have for you is by The Poet's Heart, called Theta. I love the sheer parts of it. And this photo is such a happy accident with the pose and the sim fairy. I love it!
And lastly I have some rezable items by ZYN to show you. Their Lantern of Thorns, shown in purple, and their Undergrowth Pod Plants, shown in 3 of the 5 colors available.