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Official faire events ended Sunday with the big Live auction bringing in over 1.6 million Linden alone. And according to the faires web sight its currently sitting at L$25,064,199 ($100,256 USD) at the end of Sunday and with it still being open for shopping till Wednesday thats bound to go up a bit more!
I had a grand time this year showing friends around the faire. Exploring the sims and doing quests and sim hunts. And I got to be a chess piece in Avatar chess! Purple rules!
The Children of stories Roleplay went splendidly and for the second year in a row we got a group shot!

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We got several new people that I just know will be back next year and I can't wait to see what we do.
So one last day to say farewell to the fairelands, then they will fade into the mist. But we know, as always Junction will arise again and bring with it new fairelands next spring.
So this isn't a full goodbye....its only a goodbye for now..
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