The current Total is $373,098 US , This us up slightly from the "official" end to this years RFL the weekend of the Relay. The last date they will take money is Aug 20th from what I have heard. Most likely wont break 400,000 this year but its next years goal!
As I said before I stayed up the whole 24 hours. Took photos during the event and then went back and took some after. Missed the great Blow up of the Steelhead build but oh well. has all my during the relay photos and has all my after the Relay photos. Sadly even though it wasn't 24 hours since the end some folk had taken their builds down by them.
My home base during the relay was of course the Steelhead build. It was a good starting and ending point as it was the last winter sim.
I made it around 7 full times. If I hadn't spent several hours on one lap to take photos I could have made it SEVERAL more, but I wanted the photos!
There were some amazing builds this year. Just stunning. And some ho-hum ones but hey not everyone can build like Lunar!
Different hours had different themes for what you could if you wanted to wear. The first lap was for survivors or Caregivers only so I cheered them on. Second lap was the team lap. Most of the steelhead team had gotten these school of fish avatars and we wore them in mass.
That lap was a HUGE lag fest, As everyone was hitting the track at once, so our group got separated. However I was using Lunar's walk and talk follower and made the lap with him towing me around! IT was rather fun. I kept my wings as the fish and Lunar attached a large Steelhead salmon to the head of his. Next year he says he’s going to mod the school to be all steelheads and give those of us with the avatar the modded pieces to wear. WEEE!!
I also had one of the scuply fish in my mouth the whole time except turning the luminary ceremony. It cracked me up.
I got as low an "arc" as I could and as low a script count. But, I'm a Fur, the only way to get my "arc" number into the greens is removing the fur. Which I didn't want to do.
I skipped out on most of the hour themes but did do a few. The Equestrian hour as I just picked up a new carousel horse, For the masquerade hour..AKA the spooky hour, I discovered my copy of Thriller let me Thriller dance and walk at the same time. And for lap I used this Jump Rope I picked up on a hunt. LOVED that thing.
I enjoyed all the builds, save one. And this build I found tacky and not well thought out. And quite frankly, offensive. Why? It featured a "Tornado of life"
I live near Joplin, Missouri. Heck I DROVE THROUGH Joplin in the dark hours after if was decimated by the Tornado. As it happened on a Sunday I was at Oklahoma Renaissance Festival and I44 is on our route home. If we had not been warned abut the weather and stopped to eat dinner for a few hours we might have been IN that tornado.
Tornadoes are not life giving. I don't care how you play it up. They are life TAKING.
With the sheer number of people relaying I can't have been the only one from the area on the sims.
Heck I KNOW I'm not as another Steelheader is from nearby as well. They weren't to pleased with that build either.
So yeah. People, when making your builds for an event like this. Make sure you don't include imagery that may upset people like that!
It's a shame about the thing too. The rest of the campsite was lovely. But ruined by one not well thought out item. I have two photos of it. Once in during and one after. taken only to prove it was there, well the after was taken of the designers name, so I know to avoid them.
ANNNYYWAAAYYY, sorry that rant has been inside me a while..
Other then that it was loads of fun. getting to know other Steelheaders better. talking to friends, listening to the stories on the streams.
It was fantastic. Even during the wee hours when I was starting to crash. Can't wait to do it again.
Some more photos

This was such a stunning build. It used parcel wind light to give it the orange glow.
Click all images to see them bigger

Dr Who Fans put together a build based on last years Christmas Ep. It was fantastic
Click all images to see them bigger
Relay outfit
Top = AOHARU Cotton Shirt with Scarf Vest *Relay Kiosk item may not still be around* SLURL
Pants = Leri Miles Designs Capri Blue SLURL
Hair = !!Calico Creations!! Kay SLURL
Carousel Horse = Mech Wearable Carousel Horse SLURL
Jump Rope = Seasons Hunt Summer 2011 - [MAGIC NOOK] Skipping Rope SLURL
Fish Avatar = Real Shaol Of Fish Avatar!!! SLURL
Post Relay look
Hair = Exile - Glory SLURL
Top = CO Beach Dress ~Morning~ by Caverna Obscura SLURL
Skirt = CO Beach Dress ~Orchid~ by Caverna Obscura SLURL
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