My new profile photo I took on my real life Birthday in January. Amazing gown is by White Armory *marketplace link* I don't remember the rest.
Now for links to albums! Thankfully I do not have a whole lotta these but a few.
A while back, there was a fabulous LED sim that was all done up like a Black and white sketch. I went to it, but I not only explored it, I was in theme! I had found a fun stick figure avatar on the marketplace and wore it with a black and white version of my wings
My photos of the Sim are here
I don't know if the sim is still around or not. I know the LED sims vanish from time to time.
I saw this next place over on Primdolls some time back, I think in October. It was a haunted hunt with a theme around a Japanese Legend. I don't remember much else about it, It was a lovely build and the hunt was fun.
My photos of it are here.
Photos from None Relay for Life Related Steelhead dances from winter of 2011 to winter of 2012
And lastly, because I was dealing with Renfaire and Computer issues at the time, I didn't get to post these durning the event. My photos from this years Fashion for Life.
And now I feel all caught up and ready for new exploring now and of course FANTASY FAIRE 2013!!!
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