And so, here we have my last Sim Creators highlight for Fantasy Faire 2015. I'd like to thank ALL our wonderful creators that came out to support the cause. Not just the ones I blogged. They are all very generous in both what they gifted to us bloggers, but with their time, energy and creativity in making items to sell to raise funds for Relay For Life. The gorgeous sims and amazing creations are great, but it is the cause of Fighting Cancer that really brings us all together. And it is a fight we will win one day. And that is what makes Fantasy Faire the amazing thing it is. So thank you, for your help in that.
Now onto highlighting the last few creators. Starting with Two outfits by Avatar Bizarre

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First up we have an outfit I fell in geeky love with the moment I saw it and KNEW it was an outfit I HAD to get for my husband and take a couples photo with. It's called Goblin King and the Female version is Goblin Queen. Why yes, we're both dressed as Jareth from the movie Labyrinth. I have a love for movie styled clothing and Labyrinth is a special favorite. The boots are sold separately from the main outfit, and my only regret is I could not find Jareth's Amulet for sale in SecondLife. SOMEONE GET ON THAT!
I like to think of this as what happens when an adult Sarah goes back to Jareth...

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This next outfit by Avatar Bizarre is called Boudica after the Celtic warrior queen. It is an excellent piece of female chain mail and some plate armor. It also comes with a cape but I didn't wear that, capes and wings look kinda silly.

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The last outfit I have to show you is by Arachne called Ashta. It's a great mutli tiered purple dress, and it comes with jewelery!

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And now for the last two sets of Rezzable items! First by Sim designer Mayah ,and you can find these rezed in the spice factory, Epic Toy Factory's THE 2015 RFL Vallacian Fae Holding Bubbles. Three glass and iron bubbles filled with flowers and grass with poses. Fun if kinda creepy.

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And now we have some items I have been waiting since I got the box to show off! Curse the fact that they shop was on the last sim on the route I take through the Fairelands! I've been friends with meadowWorks's Garvie Garzo since I blogged for her first time being at fantasy faire two years ago. And I have loved her stuff since. This year she even took a step up and one of her works is part of a sim Focal point! Remember those amazing hippocampus (hippocampi ?) on Odyessy? Well they are by her! And EXCLUSIVELY for faire you can get the mirrored set. After faire you can only get one. They are called Waterhorse Pair.
I am showing them off here with a few of her other items all of which would look amazing in an underwater scene. Fantastic Voyage Carved Stone, which is an ancient looking relic, Dolphin bubble fountain, you can turn the bubble effect on and off. And the Apparatus of the Ancients, which upon touching the base, plays whale and dolphin sounds and lets out a mystical sounding hum.
All her items are resizable via script and modify and Copy I believe, so you can fit them to your area.
So, there you have it, Just a few days left to get to shopping. So head over to Vallacia spend some lindens and help fight cancer!
Now I head off to do the hunt at last!