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Today is the first full day of Hanukkah, it started last night at sundown. So, For all my Jewish friends, Happy Hanukkah
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Its the night for tricks, lots and lots of treats, Witches, ghosts, goulies And pumpkins!
It's nearing the end of the year so time for me to do my annual "I was lazy and never got around to posting things" post, Before the crazy of the holidays hit.
First up Relay for Life! I really got to stop doing this for that at least.
Managed 12 full laps despite the lap counter having issues. Donations where great!
We did amazing and had loads of fun!
Enjoy the photos
Relay track sims before Relay day
Relay track after Relay day and the sink the sims party
And now photos from a cute sim I found called Ragville and a link to the destination page link I found it on
Hoping to get a few more places explored and posted before Christmas countdown but we'll see! May not.
Sponsored by The Realm of Rosehaven
Region by Garvie Garzo
The Fairelands Quest Region
Sponsored by The Akipelago
Region by Lilia Artis & Haveit Neox
Arts & Entertainment Region