Sunday, October 20, 2024

Playing catch up

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It's nearing the end of the year so time for me to do my annual "I was lazy and never got around to posting things" post, Before the crazy of the holidays hit. 

 First up Relay for Life! I really got to stop doing this for that at least. 

 Managed 12 full laps despite the lap counter having issues. Donations where great!

 We did amazing and had loads of fun! 

 Enjoy the photos

 Relay track sims before Relay day 

Relay Day! 

Relay track after Relay day and the sink the sims party 


And now photos from a cute sim I found called Ragville and a link to the destination page link I found it on


Hoping to get a few more places explored and posted before Christmas countdown but we'll see! May not. 

Sunday, September 22, 2024

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

I know a bank...

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Some of you may know that one of my cats in Real life has been pregnant. We thought she was having two kittens. Her name is Peaches so we had been calling them her Pits. turns out that she only was having the one. And it, did not make it. I wont go into the details but the birth wasn't easy and the baby, never got to take a breath.

I'm not ok emotionally

Physically Peaches is fine. But emotionally she's in the much the same state as I am.

We shall place the kitten, who we named Pit, in the bluffs on Adar's parents lands where we have placed all our cats that crossed the rainbow bridge.

I've also added a white candle for them on my alcove where I have a candle for every cat that has been in my life since the 5th grade.

Pit would have been a beautiful Orange and white Just like their mother is. And they had a loving home waiting for them with one of my best friends.

Saturday, June 8, 2024

Every Candle has a name

In Memory of those we lost

And in honor of those who are Survivors

And in support to those still fighting.

For any that may want to watch the Luminaria Ceremony


Theme this year is Decades of Hope! Which includes past present and future! Steelheads camp is done in what I am calling "Retro Robot Future" and is really cute and fun.

I am extremely grateful for a bit of blessing I had earlier in the year which allowed me to make larger donations then normal And for the first time ever get the purple Luminiara along the track!

Now for Relay to start and Hit the track! Whole weekend to be awake! Cancer doesn't sleep so this weekend neither shall I!

Watch the opening ceremony and other ceremonies!

Listen along

Relay schedule CLICKY CLICK

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Two and Twenty years

Its a few days late as I was busy. Adar and I got married on June 1st 2002

What was I busy with?

First with the Steelheads campsight for Relay this weekend.

And Secondly!

We're having Kittens!

No not ME one of our real life cats, Peaches, is expecting at the end of the month so cleaning the computer/sewing room has begun.

She's got a vets appointment on Monday to know just how many shes having.

Saturday, May 25, 2024

Reaching for hope - A slightly belated Fantasy Faire Farewell.

Yeah it took me a bit to get up to this cause of other things happening right as Faire ended.

This years faire was amazing. We raised SO MUCH money for Relay For live and Cancer research and help for families. I am so very honored and pleased to be a part of it.

I got to see one of my oldest friends ever make is spectacular Fantasy Faire Debut . You can watch Merryjests performance called Starfall on youtube

I've known Merry for over 20 years, pre SL and I'm so damn proud of my "brother" I could bust! He even picked the opening song as he knows how much I love the Secret Garden!

I worked with the Children of Stories again this year. This year it was The Desert Foxes of the Sunstone Oasis. The last few years, and espeicaly last year, where very intense and epic , so this years was a little more layed back. Still a fun rp though! You can read all about it and the updates Here!

All the photos I took over the roleplay are at this link

Had a lot of fun about the faire other then just the RP. Lots of fun times going fishing in Plankburrow or just being one of Contraptions hysterical Fish people. You will see that avatar taking a lap about the track next month! Couple bus rides too!

Over the course of the faire many sims added items to their build after events and those are fun changes to find! There where also many quests just for each sim.

I now have giant frogs, three tailed magic cats, funny fish and so much more fun things in my inventory thanks to this faire!

Photos from all the fun times

And of course the party on Junction to watch it fade into the mists when everything is returned to the waters of Linden Labs.

Now to get ready for Relay weekend! June 8th & 9th

Sunday, May 5, 2024

Fantasy Faire 2024 Sim - Harvest Home - The Fairelands Quest Sim.

Sponsored by The Realm of Rosehaven
Region by Garvie Garzo
The Fairelands Quest Region

*Official text from the Fantasy Faire page*

All of my photos of the sim can be seen at this link here

I adore this building. It's cozy, filled with sweet little vignettes to delight your eyes and make me take a ton of photos. The tiered garden is just amazing! And so many spots to sit and rest and have a snack with critters to keep you company! And fields of flowers galore!

The quest is super sweet and fun and everyone needs DO IT, you have two more days! For as little as 250L you get so much out of it!

Saturday, May 4, 2024

Fantasy Faire 2024 Sim - Growanda

Sponsored by The Akipelago
Region by Lilia Artis & Haveit Neox
Arts & Entertainment Region

*Official text from the Fantasy Faire page*

All of my photos of the sim can be seen at this link here You walk through the caves of Golden Hour and into the mountains of Growanda. About them you'll find colorfull animals and giant flowers for half of it. Which you can buy the animals in a shop to one side!

And then past the mountains you'll find the beach in front of the stage for all the shows that have been put on over the time of the faire!

Fantasy Faire 2024 Sim - The Golden Hour

Sponsored by Safe Waters Foundation
Region by Elizabeth Tinsley
Arts & Events Region

Region for large scale events: the Masked Balls, several Jail&Bails, the Live Auction and much more!

*Official text from the Fantasy Faire page*

All of my photos of the sim can be seen atthis link here The Golden Hour is the first of the two event regions. As the closer one to Junction it's starts out blending with Junction and then fades into its own thing.

Fields of flowers, tunnels and caves, Doodles in the tunnels, which you can submit your own! There is A hedge maze housing the silent auction. And Towers to the sun and moon. Look about and you'll even find an old art that will make you giggle!

It's such a beautiful build.