Wednesday, June 19, 2013

52 Crayola Crayons Week Twenty Five - Misty Moss

Week Twenty Four
  Misty Moss

187, 180, 119

click for bigger

Outfit Fungalia Outfit by Caverna Obscura SLURL
HeaddressHerne the Hunter Head Dress by Caverna Obscura SLURL
Pose*FN* Earth Mage 2 Pose + Element SLURL
SimBentham ForestSLURL

Next Week's Crayon!!


255, 255, 49

Misty Moss is from the Silver Swirls specialty crayons released in 1990. They had a lovely metals sheen to them.

I had a totally "photographers" block" for this week. Every sim I went to wasn't something I was in the mood to explore with the outfit I had one. So after about 3 dozen teleports I went "eff this" and went to one of my favorite sims, Bentham Forest and took the shot, and called it a day.

I did find loads of interesting sims, but none called to me to explore at the moment. Some due to being multi sim builds and I just wasn't in the mood to explore more then one sim right now. Others, they would just look weird with the mushroom outfit I had on.

The outfit is a fantastic fae concoction by Caverna Obscura, all moss and mushrooms and bark. Loads of fun.

Next weeks color is an easy one, because I have a dozy of a crayon for you all for the week of the USA's Fourth of July!

1 comment:

  1. Good call on the location, Bentham Forest is always great for photos! (

    Any, my Misty Moss:
