Before I start this year my entire Relay experience is dedicated to the late mother of one of my Very best and closest friends. Her mother died of Cancer back in February. It went from, she may have a few years, to a few months, to ..she was just gone. My Junction candle is in her honor and on Relay day I shall wear roses as she loved those.
Yesterday was the last public hours for the 15th Fantasy Faire. It has been an amazing two weeks. Full of laughs, cheers, Tears and OMG moments. We broke the record for the faire total again. It's currently sitting at 29,667,800L The Children of Stories total for this year was 1,784,395. I'm not sure if thats a record for us or not.
As I said in my first post this year I at last created a wordling portal and I think I'll do it again next year! It was fun and now I know the exact size so I can figure out what I want to do over the next year. So many possibilities! Maybe a magical cave full of mushrooms and glowing plants, Or a castle scene, or Chickens! Or or...theres so many ideas!
This year I at last got a friend from outside of the Fairelands to join me in it as a blogger and Eldorzi did an amazing job with not only his photos but he wrote for the Faires page itself! His album for the faire is here and you can read his Posts as he goes about doing the Fairelands hunt as his cute lil owl Mr Templeton here!
I took so many fun photos of the events and randomness about the fairelands outside of my sim posts and put them all in an album here. Patch Lindens Jail and bail., Basement kitties, Amazing avatars, Fun dances and I even went to the ..well it was definitely NOT a rave on the last day. nope It was very much a business meeting.
Now onto the Children of Stories this year. its was so much amazement and overwhelming at times. The story this year pulled Characters from each of the past nine years to return to the fairelands in a story that ended up with us Healing Junction herself! I cried like three times during it t time when we found whats now known as the Room of stars *youtube link* the second time when Junction herself spoke to the Group and then during the final battle and well..just watch and you'll figure out why that "bring" sound you hear is the children casting with their magic lanterns to defeat the Shadow Supreme The big boss thats plagued the COS for the past nine years. And when the lift happened and then after that .it was just...GAH all the tears. Different version with clearer graphics but not the sim sounds can be viewed here
Next year a new "chapter" of the COS starts. Or as I told Strifeclaw as we talked about it. COS series one is over and a new set of books will start next year.
My entire album of photos from the COS this year is at this link and you can read about it all at this link
Theres just so much to remember I cant really go into it all but it was amazing. And it didn't end with the rp.

At the live auction that happened Sunday the Room of Stars was to go up. We, did not want anyone getting it that was not with the Children of Stories so a group pooled money. And as I was on the actual auction sim, and wasn't crashing like Strife was, picked to be the one to bid. Which means when we DID win it. to be the one to get the Room in my inventory. I do not consider it mine. I am merely its guardian now. and because of this many have started to call me the Keeper of the Stars. Or possibly it will be the Guardian of the Stars. To say I am, honored and overwhelmed by owning this piece of the Fairelands. is an understatement. Its been, or will be, placed out in a few locations that the Children of Stories run. As well as my own land.
And now, I sit in the room on Flambois in a vigil till the lindens take the land down. I may have to lay down for a nap but I will stay on till it happens. This year meant so much for many. It was my 12th year blogging the Faire and i hope to have many more.
And so much more in the works for next year!