Sunday, April 24, 2022

Fantasy Faire 2022 Sim - The Chrysalis Gardens

Sponsored by The Looking Glass
Region by Marcus Inkpen
A Shopping Region

The Chrysalis Gardens by Marcus Inkpen
Deep blue mist reveals tall thin trees reaching for the sky while supporting networks of glowing amber greenhouses on ornate walkways and bridges.

*Official text from the Fantasy Faire page*

The Chrysalis Gardens is a breathaking forest build, only not in the way you may think. Think, more forest of Endor and less found deep in the woods. And you very much want to use the Sim EEP as much of the effect of the build is lost with out. Marcus Inkpen's Fantasy Faire sims are always spectacular and this one does not disappoint at ALL

Tall ancient trees rise up out of a purple mist and into the heavens. Supported in the trees are a pathway of glowing bridges and buildings. Lighting your way as you climb to the heavens are glowing lanterns that seem to have a life of their own and small glowing birds. But as eye catching as they are, when you get to the main platform thats where your in for the real treat.

A spectacular glowing Butterfly, scarab bug is hovering over a goddess statue surrounded by candles. It is animated and just..gorgeous to watch. It's really one of my favorite parts of any of the sims this year. I am in utter love with it.

All of my photos of the sim can be seen at this link here

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