Saturday, April 24, 2021

Fantasy Faire 2021 Sim - The Amethyst Rift

Sponsored by Jinx
Region by Nix Marabena
A Shopping Region

The Amethyst Rift by Nix Marabena
The ancient but mysteriously preserved home of powerful magic users who vanished long ago, the Amethyst Rift is a city, or perhaps a temple complex, carved into the walls of a deep fissure in the rock at the convergence of several major ley lines. The magic there is so strong that it still flows in pulsing violet waves visible even to those without second sight. Explorers have wondered for centuries over its strange glass-like walkways and suspended monoliths, and many attempts have been made over the years to discover the fate of its builders, but no trace of them remains besides their empty constructions in the Rift. One of the more credible theories concerns the only structure in the Rift that is not whole – what appears to have been a massive, free-standing stone gate sits partially collapsed in a central square.

* Official text from the Fantasy faire webpage *

The Amethyst Rift is a stunning sim awash in purple. The rift itself is imposing, and the floating electric paths about it glimmer with magic and energy. Rising up out of the rift you find a forest filled with many mystical items. And a small camp of explorers.

The Amethyst Rift is the home of the Children of Stories Roleplay this year. That is the new official all encompassing name for the rp I take part in every year. This year they are members of The Society of Extra-ordinary Explorers (the S.E.E.) and you can learn more about them here

Outside of the rift itself you can find many little details hidden in the crooks and crannies of the woods. Some are there for the role play and their purpose will unfold as the week goes by. And I DO recommend getting the S.E.E explorers pack in either the COS store or the Camp to use it to scan small symbols scattered about the sim and learn more about it! You can also grab a schedule of events at the camp!

You can see all my photos of the sim at this link here

Keep up with the Rp at this link here and my photos of it will be updated daily as well at this link here

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